All this leads to food surplus, and with more food, it leads to a population growth. Unfortunately, the manor can’t support that many people so what they do is kick them out. Once the people are kicked out, they move to the cities, causing a wave of urbanization.
Now these cities are filthy. They weren’t well planned; there are no streets laid out, no building codes, no sewer systems, and you’ve got houses built on top of each other. The rivers and water supply was so bad, no one can drink it, and so the population lived off of a supply of beer, wine, and milk. So sanitation was at an all time low. That causes the Black Death
Guys, I’m not just talking about a few leaves and rainwater running around in the streets. This is people’s filth, the trashcans for all contents of a chamber pot. Whatever’s in there gets dumped outside for merchants and animals to step on again. And finally, all that runs into the river where you wash your clothes drink water (and fall dangerously ill). IT’S FILTHY.
The centers of the towns are usually walled as a defense. The bigger the city gets, the more trade there is, thus more vulnerable attacks. They all had a town hall, in fact some of the European cites that survived WWII still have town halls dating back to the medieval ages.
They all had a church, a clock, and gallows where they punish criminals on display. That way, not only does he get whipped, but it gives you to throw trash, kick dirt, and curse at him for fun.
Jews also lived in medieval towns for money loaning reasons and even worked there, for they are the first bankers. But because it was against Christian law, they were quarried off.
Houses were usually two stories. The shop or restaurant was in the first floor, and the inhabitants slept in the second. And whatever profession people had, it was done in the street or near the windows so that it was on display.
Night walking was prohibited. Night watchers, medieval police, roam the streets in case of someone outside. Except for a board of wood, people back then didn’t have a lock on their doors. So if you were outside after sunset, you were probably up to no good because you can do anything in the complete darkness.
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